Friday, September 2, 2011

Review: Sirensong (Faeriewalker, #3) by Jenna Black

When Dana is invited to Faerie to be officially presented at the Seelie Court, it’s no easy decision. After all, everyone knows Titania, the Seelie Queen, wants her dead. But Titania claims not to be the one behind the death threats; and her son, Prince Henry, makes the decision a whole lot easier when he suggests Dana might be arrested for (supposedly) conspiring with her aunt Grace to usurp the Seelie throne. So she and her father better do as they're told…

The journey through Faerie is long – and treacherous. Dana thought it would be a good idea to have friends along, but her sort-of-boyfriend, Ethan, and her bodyguard’s son, Keane, just can’t seem to get along, and Kimber’s crush on Keane isn’t making things any easier. When a violent attack separates Dana from their caravan, the sexy Erlking saves her just in the nick of time… and makes it clear that he hasn’t given up on making her his own.

Arriving at Titania’s beautiful palace should be a relief. But Dana is soon implicated in an assassination attempt against Titania’s granddaughter, and is suddenly a fugitive, forced to leave her father behind as she and her friends flee for their lives. Will she be able to prove her innocence before the forces of the Seelie Court – or, worse, the Erlking – catch up with her? And will she save her father before he pays the ultimate price in her stead?

Finally Black takes us into Faerie! I've been waiting for this moment since the beginning of the series and couldn't have been more excited to finally see her vision play out. While I was hoping for a little more time spent at court, the overall journey was well worth the wait.

After the way things were left at the end of Shadowspell, I was on the edge of my seat even at page one to see where everything would go. With a zillion different ways Black could have rounded out this series, I think she did Dana and the rest of the gang justice.

Interesting twists and turns were laid out for Dana and Ethan, Keane and Kimber, the Erl King, and just about everyone else. While I enjoyed how Black pieced everything together, I'll admit to being a little sad throughout the majority of this edition. I knew in the back of my head that it was all coming to an end. Goodbyes would be said to these unique characters, wonderful settings and dynamic situations. It may have affected me more than I anticipated while reading this time.

still stands out for me as the "best" of this series, but Sirensong was a fast and entertaining end to a fun series. And hey, the infamous hot posset made a final appearance, and I admit I was half tempted to whip myself one up to enjoy right along with Dana and Kimber. If you're a fan of this series, you'll no doubt be picking up a copy of Sirensong for yourself, regardless of this review, but I do think you'll enjoy it.

I gave Sirensong (Faeriewalker, #3) 4 shamrocks!!!! (I only wish there was a fourth book in the series to look forward to next)

1 comment:

  1. I haven't tried this author before but have decided on Dark Descendent.

    Sounds like this was a great trilogy.



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