Countdown Pick #1: Control (Control, #1) by Lydia Kang (12/26/2013)

When a crash kills their father and leaves them orphaned, Zel knows she needs to protect her sister, Dyl. But before Zel has a plan, Dyl is taken by strangers using bizarre sensory weapons, and Zel finds herself in a safe house for teens who aren’t like any she’s ever seen before—teens who shouldn't even exist. Using broken-down technology, her new friends’ peculiar gifts, and her own grit, Zel must find a way to get her sister back from the kidnappers who think a powerful secret is encoded in Dyl’s DNA.
A spiraling, intense, romantic story set in 2150—in a world of automatic cars, nightclubs with auditory ecstasy drugs, and guys with four arms—this is about the human genetic “mistakes” that society wants to forget, and the way that outcasts can turn out to be heroes.
The short description about a few of the things that the future of this book supposedly has put my curiosity into overdrive. It's like when Back to the Future 2 came out...wasn't everyone going crazy thinking about what "could" be available and possible in the future?
Countdown Pick #2: The Promise of Amazing by Robin Constantine (12/31/2013)

Grayson Barrett was the king of St. Gabe’s. Star of the lacrosse team, top of his class, on a fast track to a brilliant future—until he was expelled for being a “term paper pimp.” Now Gray is in a downward spiral and needs to change, but doesn’t know how.
One fateful night their paths cross when Wren, working at her family’s Arthurian-themed catering hall, performs the Heimlich on Gray as he chokes on a cocktail weenie, saving his life literally and figuratively. What follows is the complicated, awkward, hilarious, and tender tale of two teens shedding their pasts, figuring out who they are—and falling in love.
Yay for the chance to read a sweet and delightfully fun sounding romance this Winter!
Countdown Pick #3: Taste of Darkness (Healer, #3) by Maria V. Snyder (12/31/2013)

Avry knows hardship and trouble. She fought the plague and survived. She took on King Tohon and defeated him. But now her heart-mate, Kerrick, is missing, and Avry fears he's gone forever.
But there's a more immediate threat. The Skeleton King plots to claim the Fifteen Realms for his own. With armies in disarray and the dead not staying down, Avry's healing powers are needed now more than ever.Torn between love and loyalty, Avry must choose her path carefully. For the future of her world depends on her decision.
My opinion stands; Maria V. Snyder can do no wrong! Every series and book she puts on the shelves is pure magic with a capital M. He characters are well developed and fantastic, her plot lines are fast paced and incredibly addicting. Each and every title is an automatic purchase for me, I never have any doubts that I'll fall in love with her next story.
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