Today I wanted to you guys to meet Abby from The Tabby Catt!
Katelyn: When did you start your blog? What made you want to go from avid reader to book blogger?
Abby: I started THE TABBY CATT on November 16, 2009, originally just as a writer's blog. In February 2010, I stumbled upon the now defunct Traveling ARC Tours and thought, Hold up - I get to read books before they come out and share my opinion about them? Count me in! And so the book blogging aspect of my blog was born.
THE TABBY CATT's primary focus will always be writing, but I am passionate about reading, too, so there will always be a book blogger element to it as well.
Katelyn: You talk on your blog about being in the process of completing your first YA novel. How is that going? Have you always wanted to be a writer? Can you tell us anything about how the process is going for you?
Abby: I completed my first novel, PRODIGAL MAGGIE, an 82,000 word YA contemporary fantasy, last week. It is currently in the hands of my trusty beta readers, and I'm hoping to query later this winter. When I was 5 or 6, I wanted to be a paleontologist (my love of dinosaurs is still going strong), but I've always enjoyed writing and have wanted to be a writer since middle school. I got serious about writing a novel a little over 3 years ago. I've been a full-time writer since then.
Katelyn: What’s your favorite YA book or book series?
Abby: I have trouble picking just one! I love SISTERS RED by Jackson Pearce and LIFE AS WE KNEW IT by Susan Beth Pfeffer (I still need to pick up the rest of that series). NIGHTSHADE by Andrea Cremer had such an incredible cliffhanger ending that I am already plotting ways to acquire a WOLFSBANE ARC once they're available. Beyond YA, my favorites include WORLD WAR Z (which was mind-blowingly detailed, but also gave me nightmares for 6 months), GONE WITH THE WIND, and HARRY POTTER.
Katelyn: Favorite character in a YA book or series?
Abby: Scarlett and Rosie March from SISTERS RED are pretty darn awesome. I also like to argue that HARRY POTTER transitions into YA from about book 4 on, and if I can get away with that, I'll say the inimitable Hermione Granger. Ren Laroche from NIGHTSHADE is another favorite I've read recently that I really enjoyed. He's so a product of his uncouth upbringing, yet his natural sensibilities lead him in an unexpected direction.
Katelyn: Do you tend to read one book at a time or do you spread yourself out and read several all at once?
Abby: I typically read just one book at a time, but I've been known to read 2 or 3, not necessarily at the same time, but picking one up for a few weeks, then another. I do this most often with books I've read many time.
I also find myself going through spurts where I'll read nothing for a while, then devour several books in a short period.
Katelyn: How many books do you usually read a month?
Abby: It's funny - I always thought of myself as a fast reader until I became involved with the blogosphere. Now I know I'm solidly in the middle. Until 2009, I couldn't have answered this question because I simply didn't keep track, but my New Year's Resolution for 2009 and 2010 was to read 3 books per month and keep track of what I read. I didn't make my goal in 2009, and I'm a bit off track for 2010, but I'm hoping to make up for it between now and the New Year.
Katelyn: Anything else fun you want to share with us? Any fun things coming up on the blog?Abby: I am hosting a Blogoversary/100 Followers giveaway if anyone would like to enter! I am giving away prize packs which include signed copies of Maggie Stiefvater's LINGER, Jackson Pearce's SISTERS RED, and Jennifer Weiner's FLY AWAY HOME. Enter by December 4.
I'd like to say thank you to Katelyn for this wonderful opportunity. This is my first (but hopefully not last) blog interview. And here's hoping in a year or two, an ARC of PRODIGAL MAGGIE is floating around the web on sites like Katelyn's Star Book Tours.
Isn't she great? I hope you guys make your way over to The Tabby Catt and check out her great blog, not to mention enter her fantastic contest for the chance to win those awesome signed books! What's not to love???