Then she saves the life of Caleb and instantly knows there's something about him that's intriguing. But things change when they touch, sparks ignite. Literally.
They imprint with each other and she sees their future life together flash before her eyes. She learns that not only is she his soul mate, and can feel his heartbeat in her chest, but there is a whole other world of people with gifts and abilities that she never knew existed. She herself is experiencing supernatural changes unlike anything she's ever felt before and she needs the touch of his skin to survive.
Now, not only has her dad come out of his depression to be a father again, and a pain as well, but Caleb's enemies know he's imprinted and are after Maggie to stop them both from gaining their abilities and take her from him.
Can Caleb save her or will they be forced to live without each other after just finding one another?
Top 25
1) First, I'm a paperback addict. Like a real one. I need meetings. It's bad. But I love it.
2) I could watch Kitchen Nightmares reruns all. Day. Long. I'm obsessed.
3) My favorite color is Teal. (Go Jags!)
4) My absolute favorite place to be is a balcony at the beach.
5) I eat green olives out of the jar.
6) My uber favorite band right now is Imagine Dragons. But my all-time favorite is Snow Patrol.
7) I love mushy, gushy, ooey-gooey books. If I can find real YA books that focus on the love story, I'm hooked!
8) I've read Vampire Academy, The Host, and Callum & Harper like fifteen times.
9) My two boys are hilarious and lots of times give me book ideas without even realizing.
10) I'm a very quiet person, which usually surprises people b\c I'm not really that way online.
11) I get in full-blown panic when I have to speak in front of a group of people.
12) Black licorice makes me gag.
13) I have a deep, deep love for turtle cheesecake.
14) My curly hair has been the bane of my existence since birth.
15) My body wakes itself up at 7 every morning. No idea why.
16) I wrote Significance in three weeks.
17) I would rather eat playdough than do dishes.
18) Speaking of playdough, it's fun. It was my fav thing to do with my boys when they were little.
19) I was chased by a deer once.
20) I was also chased by a cow. I only survived by my mad running skills.
21) I served Brett Micheals at Sonny's BBQ in Jacksonville where I worked 12 years ago.
22) First day at a new school, freshman year, I fainted in gym class because I didn't eat lunch. Go me.
23) I wanted to be a cop when I was a kid. That stuck until junior year of high school.
24) The thing I most want for my boys is to know how to treat a girl with respect and don't settle. The right person is out there for everyone if you'll just wait for them.
25) I believe in love at first sight. I believe in destiny and fate. I believe in Santa Claus.
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