I was so excited that Rachel agreed to come by the blog for an interview and can't wait to share, so check it out!
Katelyn: With the paranormal genre being so popular at the moment and with so many different ways to take your work, why were you drawn to write about werewolves? Was there anything specific that you pulled your ideas and inspiration from?
Rachel: I’ve always loved shapeshifters and wolves fit in well with the story idea that came to me. I’d watched a special on the Sherpa program in Glacier National Park (in the summer they hire college students to assist campers) and I began to play the what-if game: what if the sherpas were trying to protect something hidden in the park, what if they were really guardians of something, what if they could shift?
Katelyn: I can only imagine how intense and chaotic the writing process and the promotion of the books must be, what's your favorite/ least favorite part of the process?
Rachel: My favorite part is writing the story and hearing from readers. My least favorite part if trying to determine how to best promote the book.
Katelyn: Do you have any favorite books/authors?
Rachel: I’m a huge fan of Richelle Mead and her Vampire Academy series. I also enjoy Catherine Clark.
Katelyn: If you were describing the Dark Guardian series in three words, what would they be?
Rachel: Adventuresome, romantic, fun.
Katelyn: Do you have a favorite character or characters in your series? Any reason?
Rachel: You know, I loved them all. It’s really hard to pick a favorite. There was something about each of them to love.
Katelyn: I've flown through the first two books in the Dark Guardian series, and I've just started the third book, Dark of the Moon and I know I'll be reading Shadow of the Moon immediately after, but can I cross my fingers that the series won't end there? How many books are you planning on for the series?
Rachel: At this point, I’m sorry to say, but Shadow of the Moon is the final book in the series. That’s not to say that there won’t be more but at this time, my publisher isn’t planning to release anymore. However, I am working up some new ideas and do hope to have a new series in the works soon.
Katelyn: Are you working on any other books at the moment for the Young Adult readers? Any clues you can give us?
Rachel: Right now, everything is in the idea—what-if—stage. Wish I could give you some definite news.
Katelyn: Thanks again Rachel for stopping by, anything else you want to add be my guest!
Rachel: Thanks so much for asking me for the interview. The only thing to add is that I will be in Orlando in July to sign books and readers are welcome to join me at the Disney Swan & Dolphin Hotel in Orlando, Florida:
“Readers for Life” Literacy Autographing
Here's a chance to meet your favorite authors and help promote literacy! Join 500 romance authors on Wednesday, July 28, from 5:30–7:30 p.m. as they sign their latest releases. Proceeds from this event go to local and national literacy organizations. For more info go to www.rwanational.org
Happy Reading!
i was a huge fan of rachel's harper teen books when i was in high school, and i still read them up to now. i haven't read any of her paranormal books, but i think i really should soon! thanks for the fantastic interview :)