Sounds awesome right? I was so excited that Abra was able to come by the blog for an interview and can't wait to share, so check it out!
Katelyn: Having multiple narrators is pretty rare, but I think Book of Love is the first I've ever read with four narrators that alternate throughout the story. What made you want to give a voice to Jane, Max, Emily and Wes instead of using one point of view?
Abra: I was watching TV one night and I noticed how television does this. They rotate from characters to characters and back again, and I love how it gets me excited to return to another mini-story, like a soap opera does. I think I was watching Fringe, and I was anxious for them to get back to a certain character set and scenario when they were leaving me hanging with another. It was exciting, and I began to wonder why they don't write books like that.
Katelyn: With your second book in the Knight Angels series, Book of Revenge coming out in October of this year things must be getting crazy. Do you have a favorite or least favorite part of the writing/publishing process?
Abra: I think my favorite part is editing, and not the editing after the editor, but my first read-through after having written the whole book. This is where I get to get tricky with the story and add in more detail - it's like art.
Katelyn: Favorite author/book?
Abra: Right now my favorite books are the Hunger Games. I rave about it to my husband, and he thinks the book is quite frankly morbid, but what's interesting about it is that when you read the book, you don't necessarily view it that way. I guess he just needs to read it ;)
Katelyn: With so many strong characters in your Knight Angels series, did you have a favorite? If you did can you tell us who and why they're your favorite?
Abra: My favorite is Wes and Emily. At first I thought I'd love Max and Jane for sure, but the strengths and personalities of Emily and Max are so much fun to play with on paper. I introduce a new character at the end of the second book, too, and 'it' is quickly becoming my favorite in my mind as well. I'm excited to sit down and begin book three after I finish my current children's book project.
Katelyn: How many books do you have planned in the Knight Angels series? Are you working on anything else at the moment? Can you give us any juicy details on future works that we can look forward to?
Abra: Three, maybe four books in the series. The next book, with its new character, adds a twist I LOVE. I may get carried away with 'it' and find I have to write more, it just depends. And yes, I am working on many other things right now. I'm actually veering back to my field of expertise to illustrate and write a children's book based on my brother to give to him for his birthday, and to publish. It's funny going from a book based on word count to a book based on pictures, but both are just as time consuming. I'm excited to break into a new genre. Aside from that I'm also halfway into a children's chapter book and another, non-series, paranormal romance based on a girl who still gets messages from her dead mother (it's SO interesting so far, it even surprises myself).
Katelyn: Anything else you'd like to add?
Abra: I'd like to say thank you to everyone for reading this interview and visiting the awesome Bookshelf Sophisticate blog, and I hope you remain a fan of us both!
Thanks so much Abra and I know I'm not alone when I say how excited I am for the next books in your series. If you guys haven't had the chance to check out Book of Love do yourself a favor and get to the bookstores now to pick yourself up a copy. You can read my review here and don't forget to visit Abra's website to check out her previous books and everything else she's got in the works!
OMG awesome the "it" in book 2 - OMG!! OK LOVED this and LOVED the reason why Abra wrote with so many POV's that's soo interesting! :)