My reading taste hovers towards the YA audience as there is just something authentic and magical about first loves and building friendships that will last a lifetime (or not).
Even though 'The Crescent' is a YA Urban Fantasy, I tend to write a bit of everything. I have a few edgy YA novels in process, a book about witches, a Sci-Fi novel and several others that I'm not sure where they are going yet. Again, I write what I feel, when I'm feeling it.
Writing is like the air I breathe, I'd die without it.
I was so excited that Jordan had time for an interview that I couldn't wait to post it for you guys, so here goes...
Katelyn: The paranormal genre has always been pretty popular and lately any book with vampires and werewolves seems to be flying off the shelves. How did you make yours different from the other werewolf books out there? What drew you to write about them?
Jordan: I've always been a huge fan of paranormal novels, in fact, most novels I read now have some sort of paranormal element in it. 'The Crescent' is different in it's not your normal clear cut 'love triangle'. It's a deeply involved novel that is meant to make the reader doubt themselves, their decisions, their morals, and their life in general. I want the reader to become as emotionally attached to the characters as I am. I hope I've conveyed that for everyone. When writing this novel, I wanted it not to be labeled as 'just another werewolf' novel. I want it to stand out as an emotionally involved story.
Katelyn: What a love triangle you created! I can't decide who I like more...Alex or Brandon, do you have a favorite? If you do, can you tell us why?
Jordan: Most smart mothers will say you can't choose between your kids. Well, I have. It's not secret to anyone that has read my interviews that I'm beyond Team Alex. I had such a fun time writing him and he is still one of my favorite characters to read. There is so much lurking beneath his surface that you just want to chip him apart and find out what he is up to.
Katelyn: Favorite author/book?
Jordan: My favorite author is Simone Elkeles. I love all of her books, but there is a special place in my heart for Perfect Chemistry. If I ever start doubting myself, my writing, or my decisions, that is the book I pick up. It's like an old friend there to pick me up when I need it. Simone, I seriously love Alex Fuentes.
Katelyn: With your second book in the series, Half Moon coming out in January, can you tell us a little bit about it? Any juicy details you want to give us? :)
Jordan: Yes, 'Half Moon' continues the story of Lacey and her decision to run away from everything she's ever known or loved. She is faced with the doubt, longing, and perils that she never imagined. Everyone is going to get more of the characters they love, the introduction of *a lot* of new characters and a whole new depth to this story (that I guarentee) no one will see coming. I seriously can not wait to share it with everyone.
Katelyn: Are you working on any other books at the moment? Can we expect a few more installments in the Crescent series? (I hope so!)
Jordan: Yes! I'm always working on something. Right now, 'Full Moon' (the sequel to The Crescent) is in outline phase. That will be the final installment of the series. I'm working on edits of 'Benches' my edgy contemporary young adult novel and working on 'Mystified' a contemporary Native American novel. Yes, I'm all over the board as to my interests and what I like to write, but that's okay- you need a little variety every now and then!
Katelyn: Anything else you'd like to add?
Jordan: I just want to say thank you so much for the opportunity to stop by your blog! I'm so excited when I get to visit bloggers and interact with their followers. If anyone would like to talk books, reviews, or find out the latest information, please find me on twitter, facebook or my website: www.jordandeen.com You can always email me too at: info@jordandeen.com
Thanks so much Jordan, and for those of you who haven't read The Crescent, I totally recommend picking it up. You can read my review here and it'll be perfect timing since her next book Half Moon is out in January and you won't have to wait to continue on with Lacey's adventure.
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