I was lucky enough to ask Kirsten a few questions and couldn't wait to share them...check it out!
Katelyn: The idea of true love that lasts throughout lifetimes is so romantic...are you a believer in soul mates and past lives? What drew you to write about such a unique idea?
Kirsten: I think most of us have fantasized about other lives and other loves. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one with a list of historical periods that I wish I could visit. (Although there are just as many that I’d prefer to avoid.) As for soul mates, I know a few people I think I might have encountered in previous lives. And most aren’t love interests. I think soul mates can be friends, too. (And then there are the eternal enemies—the people you meet and instantly despise. I haven’t come across too many of those, but I suspect they’re out there somewhere.)
So to answer your question, I’m not sure I believe in reincarnation or soul mates, but they sure do make for some fabulous daydreams.
Katelyn: With your book being recently released this has to be a chaotic and very busy time for you. What's your favorite and least favorite part of the process?
Kirsten: The most difficult part of the process is simply finding a way to get everything done! I wake up each morning to a list of a hundred and one things that must be accomplished between the hours of nine and five. It requires military efficiency to check off all the items on the list. (Sometimes I wonder if I might have been a general in a previous life.) But I would rather be busy than bored, so it’s really not much to complain about.
The best part of the process is finally interacting with people who’ve read the book! Writing can be an incredibly lonely endeavor. With each book, I’ll spend a year or more sitting alone in front of my computer. Then one day, it’s out and I get my very first email! That’s when all the hard work starts to feel worthwhile.
Katelyn: Favorite author/book?
Kirsten: Wow. I’m not sure I have ONE favorite. Possibly The Turn of the Screw by Henry James, which is the best ghost story ever written. Or maybe a dark and dangerous “romance” like Jane Eyre or Rebecca. But if we’re sticking to the YA world, I’ll have to go with The Westing Game, which I’ve read about two hundred times.
Katelyn: Did you have a favorite character while writing The Eternal Ones? If so, can you tell us who it was and why?
Kirsten: Everyone seems to love Beau Decker, the protagonist’s best friend. But my favorite character has always been Leah Frizzell, the otherworldly mountain girl who sees the future, chugs strychnine, and isn’t afraid of a serpent or two. (Her uncle is the preacher at a snake handling church hidden deep in the woods.) She’s everything most people would never expect a “hillbilly” girl like her to be. Academically brilliant, open-minded, and wise beyond her years.
In fact, I like Leah so much that I’ve given her a big role in the sequel, which leads me to your next question . . .
Katelyn: Are you working on any other novels or works at the moment? Is there any chance we'll get to see more of the characters we fell in love with in The Eternal Ones in the future?
Kirsten: Yes! There’s a sequel to The Eternal Ones that’s in the works as we speak! Actually, it’s already written, and I’m just making a few tweaks. So it should be out pretty soon. (I don't have a release date yet.) The few people who’ve read it swear it’s even better than the first book. I don’t know about that, but it IS pretty exciting. And anyone who’s interested in the sinister Ouroboros Society should definitely check it out!
Thanks so much Kirsten for stopping by! If you guys haven't had the chance to check out The Eternal Ones...what are you waiting for? If you want to read my review you can find it here and don't forget to stop by Kirsten's website to keep up to date on all things Eternal Ones! I especially loved the section "letters" where you can read Ethan's words to Constance...swoon worthy for sure!
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