While Cooper figures out his mission, he's thrown into the life he's always wanted. Great parents, a spot on the Varsity football team and a real future are all within reach. But what he really wants is Grace, a feisty girl with an abusive boyfriend who can pound Cooper into pulp if he doesn't watch out.
While Lucy plays demonic-puppeteer, clues to an unknown past between Cooper and Grace start to unravel. Cooper discovers that what's keeping him and Grace apart is far more sinister than anything this bad boy could have ever imagined.
I've got to admit this one surprised me a little. I hate to start a review out this way, but I'll admit it up front that while it might not be considered one of my favorite books, I still found it to be a fun and catchy read. I was curious from the start what the author had in mind once I got a sneak peek at the plot from the book's teaser of a description and my attention didn't waver until I finished.
Having no experience with this author previously I went into this one with a completely open mind and for that I'm grateful. So many of the books I've been picking up lately have either been continuations in a series, or new starts from authors I'm familiar with. Debut authors are always exciting, and even if an author's work that I pick up might not be their first, if it's the first I've experienced their work than it feels brand new either way.
So I'm excited to see what De Palma has in store for readers in the future and I'll admit that I'm not opposed to a sequel for this series. I'm once again going to be curious to see what happens next in the story and what the next hurdles will turn out to be for these characters. On a side note....right from the beginning, when the author has the main character referring to Saint Peter at the gates....as St. Pete...for whatever reason it struck my funny bone with no disrespect that I could find in the nickname. Just an author lightening the mood based on how the character's frame of mind would have been at that point in the story. It broke the ice for me with this new read and I'd like to see more!
I gave The Devil's Triangle (The Devil's Triangle, #1) 3 shamrocks!!!

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