I never asked to be famous—or infamous. Such is my fate for briefly dating (and dumping) Adam Spade. Yes, the Adam from the indie rock band who wrote "Indigo Blues"—the song that gave the band overnight success, propelled them to New York City, and stole my precious anonymity. Now I'm pawed by fans, stalked by reporters, and pegged as a vicious heartbreaker. And Adam is still calling me. Doesn't he have better things to do?
With a hit single and a promising career, I should be on top of the world. People on the street are beginning to recognize me, which is cool. And scary. The band is counting on me to write another hit, but I can't stop thinking about Indigo. Why won't she answer the phone?
I walked away from this book with mixed feelings. The only way I can think of to try and explain why this is, is for me to break down my review into what I really liked about the novel and what left me wanting. For starters the whole idea behind this book is just great. Two teens date for a little while and then they go their separate ways, one more willingly than the other, which is usually the case in all breakups isn't it? Some time passes and the boy (Adam) and his band get their big break and are discovered by an agent/manager. What song changed their career's fate you ask? Why, it's the song Adam wrote about his break up and it's titled "Indigo Blues" after his ex-girlfriend's name. As much success as it's bringing Adam, the opposite can be said for Indigo. She becomes teased at school, hounded by the media and is made out to be some kind of a heart breaker. Not an equal outcome if you ask me.
So for what I loved? Obviously the premise drew me in and kept me interested throughout. Indigo was very real for me. She didn't come across as being a super pumped up character, but instead was a very believable one. I would have reacted similarly in her situation for the most part. As much as I liked Indigo, her younger brother Eli stole the show for me. Definitely my favorite out of the cast. He was quirky, witty and slightly nerdy, but most of all he was downright adorable. Indigo and Eli had the sibling rivalry going on, but his reactions to her teasing threats and his strange habits had me falling in love instantly.
Now to the thing that I'm just not sure about. The ending. I was not happy with the ending and it left me unsatisfied. I get that Danielle Joseph may not have wanted to write a cookie cutter ending but for me it was too abrupt. I'm not into spoiling a book for others but I just thought this could have gone a different direction than Joseph took it and I was disappointed. Oh well, it happens but unfortunately now I'm not sure how I really feel about the book, the ending is such a large factor for me when I'm reading. So I'm left frustrated, bummer right? So I remain on the fence and leave it to other readers to check it out for themselves and see what they think, I'm not sure whether I want to sway anyone one way or the other.
I gave Indigo Blues 3 shamrocks!!! (For now...)

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