Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created over at
The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they're particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish (and who isn't?). They're all about creating new lists including a little bit of everything and I've been meaning to participate for so long but always seemed to get behind. So here we are and hopefully you'll head over to their page and check out what everyone else put up for this week's Top Ten.
So with this week's Top Ten list, we're featuring advice for new book bloggers. While I won't claim to be anywhere even close to an expert book blogger, I have been having fun with it since the very beginning a little over a year ago. And to be honest I think that's the key ingredient to having the best blog. It's a lot of work and takes a lot of time and dedication, so if you're not having fun, than there's no point in continuing on now is there? So for what little experience I've had with my blog, and what little advice I appreciated receiving when I first started out, I can't quite say I've got 10 tips for you guys out there, but I've got at least five that I think will fit the bill.
Tip for New Bloggers #1: Have Fun!
I know I mentioned this just a few minutes ago, but it really is what I consider to be the most important part of the whole process. I started this blog after a friend of mine recommended I get out there in the blogging community and have been so grateful to her ever since. But I can honestly say that I thought going into this whole adventure, that would be super easy and a load of fun. While it has been a ton of fun the whole way through, easy is not how I would describe it looking back now. It's totally worth it, but make sure you try to remind yourself that it takes time. From setting up your blog, designing your backdrop, planning out your posts, writing those posts, and doing the constant research and reading that goes along hand in hand with a book blog, well....it's time consuming to say the least, but well worth it if you've got the determination necessary!
Tip for New Bloggers #2: Pick a Blogging Host
There are so many choices out there for you to pick from when deciding on where you want your blog home to be. Whether it's blogger (which I use) or wordpress, or any one of the many other blog host choices out there, choose wisely. Take some time to look at what each option offers, and decide what works best for you. I did my research and checked around and found that blogger was the best choice for me. That may not be the case for everyone, but if you do decide to go with blogger, I can honestly say that my experience has been hassle free and in no way super complicated. Any time I get the urge to change things up or simplify other stuff it's all just a click away, and has come with easy instructions and helpful hints. So take your time, there's no rush, and remember that your blog will be fabulous no matter where it calls home.
Tip for New Bloggers #3: Narrow It Down
When I say narrow it down, I think this one is an easy choice. I love to read all sorts of books, but I tend to sway more towards one or two genres of playing fields than all the others. For this reason I decide to focus my blog mostly around young adult literature. While there are plenty of sub-genres within this field, it still narrows the it down for followers and fellow readers to find what they're looking for. This will not only help out other readers and followers but you as well. You won't have to worry about your audience as much and will be able to focus on the important and fun stuff instead. Even though I enjoy reading romance, chic lit, the classics, etc...you won't find many if any review of this type of literature on my blog. I wouldn't want to post a review on an adult romance title on the blog when I know there's a very good chance that my readers may not be in the right age group, for it to be acceptable or even interesting.
Tip for New Bloggers #4: Don't Stress the Small Stuff
I think we all know that while having the blog itself can be a lot of fun and make just about anyone feel good and excited...but yes I know it helps to have someone else appreciate all your hard work as well. I get it, I really do. But the biggest mistake any blogger can make is to be purely in it for the followers or free goods. While this stuff is all fun and games, it's secondary to why we all love our favorite blogs. You can really tell when a blogger is having fun with their posts, and the books they're reading, it comes through their writing and rubs off on all of us. It's also important to remember that Rome wasn't built in a day, as the old saying goes. It will take a while before people are able to find your blog, or realize how addicting it can be, etc... So be patient and remember that if you build it they will come. Apparently I'm all about the movie quotes today....but it all applies. Don't stress over the amount of followers you have,
Tip for New Bloggers #5: Read, Read, and Read some more!
I can't stress enough that once you start you blog, time will be a major issue. Posting takes a good amount of time, and you shouldn't want to fly through it...why have a blog if you're always just rushing through coming up with any kind of post just so you can post something right? You'll want to be putting up posts on your blog, that you'd want to read on someone else's blog that you might follow yourself. As long as it's interesting to you, I'm sure you won't be alone in that feeling. But what I did find was that the more time I spent trying my best to perfect the blog and get enough stuff out there, was time that was taken away from reading. So try to be as organized as possible and plan things out for yourself ahead of time. It might not always work out, but at least you've got somewhere to start, right? And don't sacrifice reading time too often while posting to the blog, otherwise you won't have any review to post, am I right? Sharing your thoughts and ideas about books you've come across as a bibliophile is the best, and so much fun, but remember that nothing will compare to the enjoyment you'll get out of the books themselves!
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