Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created over at
The Broke and the Bookish. This feature was created because they're particularly fond of lists at The Broke and the Bookish (and who isn't?). They're all about creating new lists including a little bit of everything and I've been meaning to participate for so long but always seemed to get behind. So here we are and hopefully you'll head over to their page and check out what everyone else put up for this week's Top Ten.
I am most definitely a web surfer and have no problem admitting that. I come to work and immediately log into my computer and can't help but feel like the best way to start my day is to check out what's going on with my favorite blogs and websites. It wakes me up and truly helps me get into the right frame of mind before I start my work day officially. Here are a few of my all time favorites that I can't seem to live without!
Favorite Non-Book related Blog/Site #1: Fifi Cheek
This blog offers a little bit of everything that I love and adore. The owner and genius behind this hit blog is has fabulous taste! She posts a little bit of everything, from fashion to decorating, to the sweetest pics of her adorable baby girl, and so much more. Every time I check out her page, I'm instantly hooked, and find myself scouring the web for the clothes she's recently recommended or items she's been scoping out for her home. It's all fantastic, and so light and fun that it's impossible for her posts not to brighten up your day and have you in a great mood! She features a Friday Favorites post ever Friday of course, and it can range from great recipes to try out for dinner, delicious cocktails that will leave everyone counting down until it's 5 o'clock somewhere, outfits that always leave me wishing they were on sale, and sometimes even great vacation spots that have me dreaming of summer and trips abroad! Case in point, check out the most recent hot spot she featured on her site? Come on, who wouldn't want to get on a plane bound for this tropical paradise right this second?!
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #2: Atlantic-Pacific
If there are any fashionistas out there, you must become familiar with Blair over at Atlantic-Pacific! You will not regret it...you will however regret that you haven't found her blog before this moment, because as all of us have said...we've already missed so many outfits! This blog is nothing but fashion, fashion, and more fashion! It's amazing! This girl can put together an outfit like no other. It's a gift really, and it doesn't hurt that she's got a closet full of designer duds, and a jewelry box that would make any girl green with envy. But it's more than just having all the right pieces in your collection. In my opinion it's how you put an outfit together. Labels are great, and sometimes it does pay to spend a little extra money on certain classic pieces, but for the most part, you could have all the designer clothes anyone could ever hope for and if you're clueless in the assembling part of the show, then you're still at square one. This girl probably came out of the womb with a perfect hairdo and outfit, from the top of her head all the way down to the polish on her toes. Perfection!
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #3: Wendy's Lookbook
Yes this is another fashion dedicated blog. What can I say, I can't get enough of the clothes and accessories! What girl doesn't love playing dress up? It may start out at an early age, but I don't think any of us really ever grow out of it, right? But Wendy's blog is a little different. Yes she's posting photos of herself in numerous different wardrobe changes, but it doesn't end there. Her blog is just that. It's a blog where she may post a few photos, but she's also cataloguing her thoughts and experiences for others to share and live vicariously through her site. She's very involved and passionate about the juvenile justice and foster care system. She's involved in outreach programs that allow remarkable individuals the chance to experience things they may not otherwise have been able to without her help. It's a feel good blog to read and enjoy!
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #4: Pinterest
Who hasn't become of this super addicting site, right? I mean come on people...there is nothing that you cannot find on this site. Pinterest has it all, fashion, weddings, food, DIY projects, photos, pets, you name it and I'm sure you can find it among the infinite inspiration boards! If you haven't gotten yourself hooked like the rest of us have yet, and would like an invitation, here is my
page...check it out! I have found so many great recipes that I've marked down and actually tried my hand out. I'll admit one of two of them have not turned out as well as I thought they would, but for the most part they've been a success. The clothes...oh the clothes. How I wished that every time I came across an outfit or a piece of clothing I found and fell in love with that it would instantly pop up in my closet with no charge to my bank account! Alas, I can always dream right? With so many weddings lined up for me this year, I've also found some great ideas for bridal showers, wedding photo ops, favors, games, etc... You'll find a plethora for just about everything you could ever dream up, and it's all there to pull you in and have you losing track of time with just the click of a button!
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #5: Facebook
Yep, I'll admit it. I'm just as hooked as the next person to this silly site. I can't help it. I feel slightly cut off if I haven't had the chance to check things out on FB in a while. I mean I'll admit that I don't need to find myself checking things out on a daily basis, but you take it away from me for more than a week, and I'm going to be somewhat at a loss. I feel like it keeps me in touch and up to date on friends of mine that don't live right across the way, or family members that I might not get to see all that often. While I enjoy the cute check in options, and uploading photos from whatever my friends and I have been up to lately, it's the staying connected part that has kept me a member since I was in high school.
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #6: Style Me Pretty
Yep that's right, I'm a wedding blog and site addict! I can't help it, and to be fair, it's really not my fault. With my sister B and so many close friends getting married I've definitely had weddings, bridal showers and bachelorette parties on the brain for the past year, if not longer. So when I'm looking for new inspiration, ways of lending my sister and friends an extra hand, or just to peruse and sneak a peek and what everyone else has in store at their weddings, this is one of the best websites I've come across. It's got a little bit of everything. Ideas for dresses, bridesmaids dresses, gifts to buy your groomsmen, cakes, favors, etc... You name it and they've photographed it! So when I see pictures from someone's wedding where they had deserts like these mouth watering pink macaroons, I just swoon a little. If you've ever got the interest in checking out or researching anything wedding related, I highly recommend you make your way over to this site to see for yourselves the magic that these talented folks weave together
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #7: Once Wed

Yes this is another wedding site, but while it's similar to Style Me Pretty, it's not the same.
What I like most about this site is the DIY (do it yourself) ideas they come up with or have come across on their own. It's crazy what they've come up with. You guys can see how sweet and adorable some of their ideas are, just like these bridesmaids cards, for example. How cute are they? I've seen and heard of a bunch of different ways that brides have come up with to ask their best girlfriends to be a part of their wedding, but these little cut outs are pretty fantastic! Who wouldn't like to get one of these cards from their friends to hold on to as a keepsake, right? I'm a big fan of holding onto photos, albums, etc... and love to scrapbook. I've got quite a few that I've done over the years, and I can already picture putting this baby away along with all the other memories pertaining to each of my friend's weddings. Love it!
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #8: The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
I've always been fascinated with music and musicians. I can't claim to have any musical ability myself, which I think is why I appreciate the talent and gifts musicians like these individuals have. I attend as many concerts as I can, and lately I've been sticking mainly to the BSO. The first time I ever attended one of their performances was for their annual Holiday Extravaganza. It usually runs for the month of December and they change the theme up every year. Two years ago it was a Vegas theme, where the classic Christmas and holiday songs were paired with a dog trainer and his two AMAZINGLY talented pups. Last year Cirque du Soliel accompanied the orchestra. While I missed that show (sad I know) I heard it was as fantastic as I knew it would be. So if you're in the Maryland area be sure to check out their summer schedule. If you're not, I'm sure there's an orchestra in your are that would be wonderful to enjoy!
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #9: Internet Movie Database
Before my book obsession, I was a total movie goer. I still try to make it to as many movies as I can, as well as rent or stream the ones I miss, but I'll admit they've taken a back seat to my book needs. But while I might have moved them from first place to second, I'm still a huge fan of the theater. I like to stay caught up on what's just come into the theaters, how the movies are doing, what's making the most money, and of course the movie stars that play the main roles. It's also a great way to stay up on what movies are scheduled to be released soon. With summer almost here I can't wait for the big action packed movies set to hit the big screen. There are always so many to choose from, and lucky for me, I've got a few great friends who enjoy going as much as I do. So I'm rarely scrambling for buddies to go with. Any good movies you guys are looking forward to seeing this summer? The Avengers, Battleship, Snow White and the Huntsman, Prometheus, and The Dark Knight Rises are all flicks I'm anxious to check out.
Favorite Non-Book Related Blog/Site #10: Garden & Gun
What a great magazine, and their website is just as fabulous! I'm not sure how long this magazine has been around, but it became an instant favorite of mine when my sister B introduced me to it this past year. It's got a little bit of everything in it, food, fashion, and yes gardens and gun related topics come up quite often. What I found really unique about this magazine is that a lot of the writers on staff are former city dwellers that picked up and headed south after they'd had enough of the hustle and bustle that comes with big city living. Now I'm a city girl for sure, but there is something about the slower paced, soak it all in atmosphere that can only be found outside of large cities. There's plenty for everyone in this magazine and on this site. Right now they're featuring, music, southern women, sporting life, and travel articles. What's not to love right? While it might be similar to books, it being a magazine and all, it's different enough that I'm including it on this list of my favorite ten blogs/websites. It's one of my staple stops!
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