I can't believe how many great titles are coming out and how badly I want to read them all. I'm not sure how I'm going to manage to fit everything in, but I'm crossing my fingers I'll find a way and at least if I have some traveling to do for these weddings I'll be sure to have plenty of great reads to take a long with me to pass the time, right?
That's the plan anyways and hopefully I'll have some down time as well in between all the fun festivities lined up to squeeze in a book or two on a night in, curled up on my couch unwinding from all the craziness!
Countdown Pick #1: Mirage (Winterhaven, #2) by Kristi Cook (06/05/2012)

As a fan of the first installment in this series, I'm of course looking forward to seeing what is in store this time around for Violet and Aidan. I hadn't been expecting too much out of the series opener for some reason, and it made it all the sweeter when I came to really enjoy myself while reading it. So hopefully Cook has some more exciting twists and turns lined up for her characters, as well as (fingers crossed) a little more romance for two such cute characters.
Countdown Pick #2: Scent of Magic (Healer, #2) by Maria V. Snyder (2013)

As the last Healer in the Fifteen Realms, Avery of Kazan is in a unique position: in the minds of her friends and foes alike, she no longer exists. Despite her need to prevent the megalomanical King Tohon from winning control of the Realms, Avery is also determined to find her sister and repair their estrangement. And she must do it alone, as Kerrick, her partner and sole confident, returns to Alga to summon his country into battle.
Though she should be in hiding, Avery will do whatever she can to support Tohon’s opponents. Including infiltrating a holy army, evading magic sniffers, teaching forest skills to soldiers and figuring out how to stop Tohon’s most horrible creations yet; an army of the walking dead - human and animal alike and nearly impossible to defeat.
War is coming and Avery is alone. Unless she figures out how to do the impossible ... again.
OK so I know that technically this title will not be out until 2013 so maybe it shouldn't be listed among this countdown, but I'm too excited for this release to wait to post this on another countdown for 2013 releases, so here I am. All of you guys know how much I love and devour every single title that Snyder comes out with and this one I have no doubt will be no different. This new series was a ton of fun, incredibly stress inducing, and an overall excellent start to a series. I am completely confident that Snyder will surely deliver another home run hit with this second installment in the series.
Countdown Pick #3: Masque of the Red Death (Masque of the Red Death, #1) by Bethany Griffin (04/24/2012)

A devastating plague has decimated the population. And those who are left live in fear of catching it as the city crumbles to pieces around them.
So what does Araby Worth have to live for?
Nights in the Debauchery Club, beautiful dresses, glittery make-up . . . and tantalizing ways to forget it all.
But in the depths of the club—in the depths of her own despair—Araby will find more than oblivion. She will find Will, the terribly handsome proprietor of the club. And Elliott, the wickedly smart aristocrat. Neither boy is what he seems. Both have secrets. Everyone does.
And Araby may find something not just to live for, but to fight for—no matter what it costs her.
Yep, I'm making up my own rules as I go...hope you guys don't mind. Yes as you can see this title came out at the end of April so no, it's not a title that we can countdown for, but it's one that I'm anxious to read all the same. I think I let this one fall through the cracks possibly because of the title. I've never been a fan of Poe's poems to be honest, or at least he was never a favorite poet of mine, so when I saw the familiar title I lumped it in with his work. After reading the synopsis, I'll admit I'm curious and now anxious to check it out for myself and see what this title is all about. Wish me luck!
Happy Reading as always!!!

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