I'm a few days late in finding this sneak peek but better late than never. If you've got Glimmerglass by Jenna Black on your TBR list and will be rushing to the stores to buy your copy when it comes out on May 25, 2010 (I know I will) than you might wanna jump over to Jenna's page and check out the prologue and first chapter that she's posted. Hopefully this will tide you over while you're waiting for the release. Now that I know I've apparently missed a couple of new reveals like this one, I'll be searching the internet's sources to see if anything else is out there....stay tuned!
...I told you I'd be looking on line to see if I could find anything else...and I did. Here's the prologue for Jekel Loves Hyde by Beth Fantaskey which comes out May 03, 2010. Like before, if I find more, I'll just keep adding to the post.
I'm dying to read Jekel Loves Hyde! And I've been seeing Glimmer Glass everywhere and I absolutely adore the cover! Can't wait to read them both!